Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bible Study Snowed Out!

We were snowed out this morning. And I, for one, was really disappointed. This is an amazing study, and I was ready to tackle a new chapter.

But then I woke up this morning to the beautiful snow fall. The big luscious flakes creating a world as near to heaven as I can imagine. The children are home from school, all four of them snuggled up on the sofa together. Peace on earth, or at least in my corner of the earth.

Then I realized, God never has a snow day. Never. Maybe we didn't have Bible Study, but we have God 24/7. While I'm not sitting in front of a teaching video, he has much to teach me and show me. He has many blessings for me. So I need not be disappointed.

Thank you, Father, for this beautiful snow fall. Only you could have concocted such perfection. Thank you for this morning without rushing around, a morning of togetherness, a morning of peace, and a morning to absorb your blessings.

In my devotional this week, I read that I am exactly where God wants me to be. Even when I want to rush things along. I want a two book deal. I want that choice speaking engagement. I want my children to be mature in their faith. I want my husband to pick up his dirty socks, already. But in all these things, God has a perfect plan.

And He has such plans for all of us. Even on a snow day.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Crazy Winter Weather

The schools are on a two hour delay tomorrow due to the snow forecast which means we will have NO BIBLE STUDY on Thursday, February 10th. :( So no excuses for doing your homework! ha ha Seriously, I look forward to seeing all your smiling faces NEXT WEEK!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Due to inclement weather, the Edenton schools are delayed two hours. SO...we will NOT have Bible study tomorrow morning. Everyone stay home and safe and warm, and we'll see you next week! OH, and spread the word if you know anyone who may not have heard!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Special Notice!

Earilyn's Thursday morning group has gotten a bit behind with the weather situation this winter, so they will DOUBLE UP this Thursday and do two lessons instead of the usual one. Please try to be there for this awesome, double lesson. Just imagine how enlightened you'll be when you leave! What a gift and a blessing to be able to worship and learn His word.

The rest of us will continue on the second week of Joyce Meyer's series on PRAYER. The word on the street is that last week's lesson was terrific, so be there this week to learn and grow even more!

Enjoy this gorgeous, jaw-droppingly beautiful day! xox

Monday, March 29, 2010

Perfect Day

Every day is perfect in God's eyes. Even rainy, monsoon-like weather. Sometimes I think we're blessed with a day like today, so we'll all snuggle up, slow down, and reflect on His goodness. It's pretty hard to complain about the rain when you think of it like that. Or maybe the rain gives you a little extra family time (with no soccer practice). Or perhaps you took advantage of the sunny week-end to plan some seeds that needed a little water. Whatever the reason, God's will is perfect.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Breakfast Schedule--Woo hoo!

All hail the breakfast bringers! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Here is the list of people to remind and THANK. Please note that April 15, 29, and May 6 could still use a little help! Have a great week, everyone.

February 4 Tammy Holton and Wendy
11 Lynse Williford and Maria Tritt
18 Nancy Rascoe and Michelle Benavide
25 Stephanie Bergeron and Laura Powell

March 4 Heather Newingham and Meredith Skinner
11 Jenny Williams and Sally Blount
18 Mary Ann White and Pat Bennett
25 Katy Ebersole and Tracy Benkusky

April 15 Marilyn Racine
22 Julie Perry and Virginia Wood
29 Joanie Long

May 6 Jinny Fringer

Joyce Meyer and Earilyn Barnum, oh, my!

Another spring full of hot topics is underway. For the Beth Moore crowd, homework is *optional* and some of you love that break. Others of you say that the homework is really good this time, so you WANT to do it. Either way, God has something to say to YOU. Every Thursday you come, you are keeping a divine appointment. This appointment is with God to learn more about HIM and therefore yourself, AND it's an appointment with your sisters in Christ. We all love to see you. Your presence is an encouragement and inspiration to others. So brave the cold, the rainy, the wind for this appointment. You won't regret it!!